Homeopathy is a complementary therapy which aims to identify and treat imbalances in our physical, mental and emotional state. It recognises and respects the unity of mind, body and soul and promotes harmony.
Homeopathy is a holistic healing method that has been used successfully for more than 200 years. It is based on simple principles that have stood the test of time, their roots going all the way back to the ancient Greek healers.
The Remedies
The remedies are made from natural substances and are non-toxic, non-allergic and non-addictive. They have no side effects due to the high dilutions of the substances from which they are made.
Homeopathic remedies are inexpensive and are widely available at chemists’ and health food stores throughout Britain.
The homeopath will prescribe the minimum dose necessary to reinstate balance in the body. The aim is a rapid and permanent cure with minimum intervention as homeopathy simply triggers the body’s own healing mechanism.
Homeopathy is widely used around the world, and results can be surprisingly fast with acute conditions. Remedies are used extensively in continental Europe and in many places are recommended as a primary treatment for children as opposed to mainstream medication. The remedies have a pleasant taste and therefore children will readily accept them.
There is a wealth of personal testimonials on the following website: www.homeopathyworkedforme.org
The remedies travel well and require no special conditions for storage, which makes homeopathy an attractive option in third world countries.