Homeopathy, a holistic medical system, was created over 200 years ago by Samuel Hahnemann, a medical doctor disenchanted with traditional (allopathic) medicine and dismayed by its many negative side effects.
Homeopathy is a medicine following a strict set of rules and principles laid down by its founder.
Science or Art?
It is sometimes referred to as ‘a combination of science and art’ insofar as the remedies themselves are produced by a careful process of potentisation and succussion in a laboratory environment, but reaching a diagnosis is a subtle "art" as it takes into account far more than just the patient’s immediate symptoms.
Homeopathy is founded on a series of distinct principles, the basis of which is “like cures like” meaning a substance that can cause illness in a healthy person, can also cure it in its homeopathic form in a sick person.
One of the most important differences between homeopathy and ‘mainstream medicine’ is that if two people with very similar symptoms go to see their GP, they will likely be prescribed the same treatment. Homeopathy, however, holds that two people with similar symptoms may require different treatments in order to regain health. In recent years there has been a move toward ‘personalised medicine’[1] in the mainstream scientific community, with mounting evidence suggesting that subtle individual differences between people can have significant influences on which treatments are most effective for them.
Unique, Safe and Effective
True classical homeopathy follows the tried and tested guiding principles laid down by Hahnemann, resulting in repeatable cures when the remedy is matched to the person's unique symptoms. It is safe and effective, and a very much personalised treatment.
Its goal is a speedy but gentle healing process with a permanent return to good health.
Homeopathic medicine offers a welcome alternative in today's hectic world where many of us feel the need for inner balance, health and wellbeing.